We Have Moved!!!

Hello, yes, we have moved to another URL.  Now, we have a hosting website and we no longer have this hosted on WordPress’s servers.  On our new one, the same exact posts are still there, and we are still using WordPress to manage the website.  So, if you were a fan of this page, then please visit our new one.  We will no longer be updating this one.

New Link: http://jeffthecomputergeek.co.cc

The New MacBook Air

At the Apple Announcement yesterday, a lot of new stuff were announced.  A newer version of GarageBand, Mac OS Lion, Apple Store for the Macs, FaceTime for iChat, and more.  The thing that got my attention was the new MacBook Air.  Air fans have been waiting for a long time for an update on this product.  The new Air has gotten lots of updates, new case and new hardware.  The Air now has a sleek Unibody design and even though it has gotten hardware updates, it’s still very thin.  The Air now comes in 11 inches and 13 inches. Remember when Apple released the Magic Touch Pad?  Well, now it’s in the Air!  Let’s move onto the Hardware.  The Air now has an SSD drive which is amazing.  SSD’s are extremely fast compared to HDD’s.  The battery life is amazing compared to Notebooks and Netbooks.  On the 11 inch Air, you will get up to 5 hours of battery life and on the 13 inch Air, you will get up to 7 hours of battery life.  This is very amazing for such a small Notebook.  The new Air has the fastest NVIDIA Integrated chip, the Geforce 320M.  The Air also has an Intel Core Duo processor.  The 11 inch and the 13 inch both have 2GB Ram, upgradeable to 4GB Ram.  They both have the 802.11n Wireless adaptor, and they both weigh 2.3 pounds.  Oh, they also both have Bluetooth.  Overall, this upgrade is very big.  The specs are insane for such a small Notebook, but the price is still expensive, as expected.  The cheapest one is $999.00 US dollars.  You can get more info about the Air by visiting the link below.  Please click our links below and please feel free to read our older posts!

More information on the MacBook Air: http://www.apple.com/macbookair/

My YouTube: http://youtube.com/JeffTheComputerGeek

My Twitter: http://twitter.com/computerglobe

My Email: computergeek50000@gmail.com

Our FaceBook Group:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/JeffTheComputerGeek/167492123262385

Changes Made In FaceBook

When on FaceBook, you might have noticed a small change.  Do you know what it is?  Can you guess it?  Yes, you guessed it correctly!  The instant messenger has changed.  It changed slightly, but so slightly that I noticed.  In the instant messenger, they finally added your profile picture when you are talking to someone.  Me, I feel as if this was supposed to be here a long time ago.  I mean, most instant messengers these days let you see other people’s profile pictures.  There is just one more change that I absolutely dislike.  On the Instant Messenger, you will notice that the minimize and exit buttons are gone on top of the window.  This drives me insane.  You can still minimize it by clicking on it, but I still think they should have kept the minimize and close button.  For now, that’s the only change that has been made.  Please feel free to comment below and visit our links.  Thanks!

My Twitter: http://twitter.com/computerglobe

My YouTube: http://youtube.com/JeffTheComputerGeek

My Email: computergeek50000@gmail.com

Our FaceBook group: http://www.facebook.com/pages/JeffTheComputerGeek/167492123262385?v=wall

Do You Like Windows 7?

I have found myself asking myself this question many times.  “Do I really like Windows 7”?  “Is it really that good”?  “Would I be happy not using 7”?  When Windows 7 came out, it got too much hype, and that is a fact.  Well, I can easily answer those questions, fast infact.  No, I don’t really like Windows 7, and no, I am not crazy.  I really do like Aero, but I can live without it.  Windows 7 to me is too slow compared to any Linux distro, or Windows XP.  Windows 7 to me is bloated, and has too many features that I wouldn’t use.  Currently, I am not using Windows 7.  I recently switched back to Windows XP from Windows 7.  The reasons is because XP is extremely fast, and it has everything I need.  Windows XP is supported until 2014, by the way.  To me, Windows 7 is ok.  It’s stable, sexy, but slow.  On my machine, 7 runs perfectly fine and it’s perfectly usable.  Compared to XP, it’s slow.  I like XP because of it’s classicness, it’s stableness, it’s fastness, and I have a lot of reasons, but I can’t think of them.  Do you like Windows 7?  Why do you like Windows 7?  Why are you using it?  Please comment below and click on the links below.

My Email: computergeek50000@gmail.com

My YouTube: http://youtube.com/JeffTheComputerGeek

My Twitter: http://twitter.com/computerglobe

Our FaceBook Group: http://www.facebook.com/pages/JeffTheComputerGeek/167492123262385

How To Login As Admin In Windows 7 On Startup

Well, this is the first time I have done a how to demonstration so I hope this will become useful to you guys.  Logging in as administrator in Windows can be very useful if you want to edit files in Windows or something else that asks for administrator privilages.

1. Go to start, all programs, accessories, right click Command Prompt and click open as administrator.

2.  Type net user administrator /active:yes and press enter.

3.  Reboot your PC.

4. At login, you will then have the option to sign in as your user account, or administrator.

So, you might ask, “What is this useful for again?”  This is useful if you like to edit files that ask for you to login as admin, or run something as administrator, like what we did above when we had to open up the Command Prompt as administrator.  Enabling this is NOT recommended for someone that is not an advanced user with Windows.  Thanks for reading and please visit this awesome tech blog again!

My Twitter: http://twitter.com/computerglobe

My YouTube: http://youtube.com/JeffTheComputerGeek

Our FaceBook Group:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/JeffTheComputerGeek/167492123262385?ref=ts

My Email: computergeek50000@gmail.com

Are You Going To Jailbreak iOS4.1?

Well, both Limera1n and Greenpois0n have released.  You might ask, what’s the difference between the two?  Well, there are differences, but not much.  GreenPois0n uses the Limera1n bootrom exploit, which is tethered and it uses Comex’s  Untethered hack.  Greenpois0n also has more support for different operating systems.  Greenpois0n was the first to support the Mac and Limera1n was the last, I think.  Greenpois0n also supports Linux, which Limera1n doesn’t.  Limera1n was supposed to support Linux, but I guess George Hotz was too lazy to make it.  When you jailbreak with Limera1n, you will get an icon on your SpringBoard called: “Limera1n”.  When you open it, you can install Cydia.  I don’t know why George made that when all it does is give you Cydia.  With Greenpois0n, it just installs Cydia.  Correct me if I’m wrong.  They are both very easy to use, the GUI of both of them are very basic.  Limera1n was supposed to support the iPod Touch 2G but, George Hotz was too lazy too lazy to implement it.  According to a Tweet from Pod2G, he said that GreenPois0n will support the iPod Touch 2G in days.  Don’t get excited because days to them could mean weeks, or months, or years.  According to people who have jailbroken iOS4.1, they have reported that some apps don’t work well in it yet.  Give the devs some time to get the apps to work in iOS4.1 everyone.  What are your thoughts on jailbreaking?  Please feel free to let us know in the comments below!



My Twitter: http://twitter.com/computerglobe

My YouTube: http://youtube.com/JeffTheComputerGeek

My Email: computergeek50000@gmail.com

Review Of The Social Network Movie

Exactly a week ago, I saw “The Social Network Movie”.  I have to say, it was a great movie.  The actors in the movie were good, Justin Timberlake appeared in it as the Napter CEO guy.  This movie had funny parts, good parts, and boring parts, just like every other movie.  A lot of stuff happened in the movie and it makes me wonder if everything was true.  Did the Napster CEO really join Facebook?  Did the Napster CEO really get arrested for having cocaine at a party?  Was Mark, the CEO of Facebook really that mean to people?  Did Facebook really start in his dorm room in Harvard College?  Did Mark really get into a fight with his old girlfriend?  A lot of people wonder about all of this too.  Again, this movie had good actors, had funny parts, and had boring parts.  This movie was very entertaining.  The movie is about 2 hours long.  I know, pretty long, but it went by fast.  I noticed in the movie that Mark’s computer was running Linux with a old version of KDE.  Pretty cool to see Linux in a movie.  I would give this movie 7/10 stars.  I think you guys should see this movie if you haven’t yet.

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/c0mputerglobe

My YouTube: http://youtube.com/JeffTheComputerGeek

My Email: computergeek50000@gmail.com


Jailbreak Rumors

Well, this isn’t a rumor, but the new jailbreak tool, “Greenpois0n” will be releasing on October 10th 10:10GMT time.  Me, I am stoked for this release, but I need to know if this is tethered or untethered before I try it.  Greenpois0n was a tool that would find find exploits in the iOS and now, it will be a jailbreak tool.  It says that it will jailbreak iOS4.1.  Me, right now I am on iOS4.0 jailbroken with Jailbreakme.  Anyways, I was just on Twitter and I saw a bunch of Tweets saying that Geohot will return to jailbreaking and that limera1n will release on October 11th, the day after the release of Greenpois0n.  The date limera1n is supposed to release is rumored.  We do not know when it will release, but that date is rumored.  A Jailbreaker on Twitter confirmed that Geohot is making a come back by releasing limera1n.  Both Limera1n and Greenpois0n are bootrom exploits, and they each use different exploits.  Limera1n is expected to be untethered on all devices which is awesome.  I think I will be waiting for Limera1n and not Greenpois0n since Limera1n is rumored to be untethered on all devices and Greenpois0n is not.  By the way, untethered means that you can reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch without re-jailbreaking it.  A tethered jailbreak is when you want to reboot your iPhone/iPod touch, you have to re-run the jailbreak.

Picture of Limera1n jailbreaking the iPhone 4G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, and iPad:

Please check on these two sites to see when these will release:

Limera1n: http://limera1n.com

Greenpoison: http://greenpois0n.com

My Twitter: http://twitter.com/computerglobe

My Email: computergeek50000@gmail.com

My Youtube: http://youtube.com/JeffTheComputerGeek

Apple Battery Charger

When I got my iMac, I didn’t realize how much the MagicMouse would eat batteries. So I decided to buy the RechargeableBatteries. The $30 price tag seemed steep at first, but I looked at other chargers from Energizer that come with two more batteries and a charging station for about the same price but just didn’t look as good.Also knowing this is a Apple product I know it if it breaks or anything I will get great support. The design of the battery charger looks great, fits in well with the rest of the small Apple stuff I own. And it looks like a charger you might find on your MacBook. My batteries came 85% charged and the charger had a hard time deciding on what to do with the batteries. When I plugged it in the first time it was orange. Plugged it in again and it was flashing orange. Plugged it in a 3rd time it was green.Puzzled, I left them plugged in all night and took them out and it was 86%. Very odd. That doesn’t matter since they are rechargeable. All in all it’s a great and very competitively priced Battery charger. But even if you don’t own any wireless Apple products you should still get these for your T.V remotes and any other things and save a TON of money on batteries.Interested?

Link: http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC500LL/A?mco=MTY3ODQ5OTY

My YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/MacManiac93

My Email:  tc40093@gmail.com

– Tyler Chess

The New Twitter

Did you get the new Twitter yet?  I know I haven’t.  But, I do know what it will look like.  The layout looks pretty cool, it’s different than the older Twitter that I still have.  Half of the page is the feed of who you are following, and the other half seems to be what’s trending, Who To Follow, and much more.  When you hover over someone’s picture, it will display a small window of that person’s profile.  It shows how many people that person is following, how many people are following him/her, and their location.  On the top of the screen you have a search bar, home, profile, and messages.  Also, Flash videos are now embedded into Twitter which is really cool.  There really hasn’t been too many new features added.  Overall, it looks pretty good.  I am really stoked to get it.  Please leave a comment below and feel free to contact me anytime!

New Twitter

My Twitter: http://twitter.com/computerglobe

My YouTube: http://youtube.com/JeffTheComputerGeek

My Email: computergeek50000@gmail.com